Wednesday, 17 July 2013

What am I hoping to achieve in my skills development?

In the past few weeks, I've been planning and considering ideas in order to develop my skills and become a more well-rounded learner. In my exam, I'm tested upon the five key skills that make up the components that contribute to the production of my task:-

-Digital Technology
- Creativity
-Research and Planning
-Post Production
-Conventions from Real Media Texts (Genre)

These skills are of fundamental importance in order to make a quality product based on one of the production briefs. Therefore, I must consider how I'm going to consider how I applied these skills in AS, and how, moving forward into A2, I'm going to self-improve within each of these categories.

Digital Technology:
Using technology in AS was one of my weaker points, and perhaps made me less involved in the editing and post-production process. Now that I'm working on my own, meaning that I have to be self-reliant, I plan to create several posts in the holidays on how to use Adobe Premiere Pro, and to understand the software- from the basics to the more advanced aspects of the technology. Moreover, I'm hoping to use more sophisticated technology in my production, using a more quality camera that can capture the quality of shots I need in order to produce a high-quality production. Therefore, Digital Technology is absolutely key, and a skill that I am determined to develop before the start of term.

I feel as though this was my most accomplished skill in my AS coursework, and I hope to maintain a similar level of quality in my A2 this year. I plan to do this in a number of ways; for instance, by making more brainstorms and mind maps in order to give myself several ideas to work on. Moreover, I hope to challenge myself by being more 'out there' with my ideas, challenging codes and conventions in order to make something unique and quintessentially original. Added to this, I'd like to produce well made storyboards- however, I'd like to explore with ideas and, if an idea came to me during production, I'd like to shoot alternatives, allowing me more creative options in the post-production stage.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Production Brief (2/3): Music Video

I've also been offered the choice of creating a music video, a brief that I am strongly considering along with making a short film. Music videos can be iconic, embodying the message of a song, becoming synonymous with an artists image. Moreover, I like the breadth of diversity within music videos, and how one interpretation a video can differ to another one. In other words, creating a music video would allow me to be creative, without necessarily being tied down to a 'plot'. Therefore, I decided to look at three music videos, understanding how each has been used to convey messages and meaning.

(i) Bronte, Gotye:

I thought this video was stunning. The animation clearly drew upon influences such as Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away) and I believe that the attention to detail in the craft of this video was excellent. Moreover, I loved the way that the message of this video was expertly constructed within the the three minute constraints of the song. The pervading theme of the importance of holding on to childhood wasn't imposed upon the viewer, and it didn't come across as pretentious, as music videos often can. The melancholic colour palette (eg. the abundance of purple) complemented the haunting lyrics of the song. The high key lighting and soft focus gives the piece a sense of magic that works hand in hand with the song itself, giving the piece an otherworldly quality.

The narrative, stylised way in which the video has been produced really appealed to me. I'd recommend looking at other Gotye video's- the underlying messages behind the songs are reflected in the animations that make up Gotye's videos. However, I acknowledge that it would be unrealistic to replicate the quality of such brilliant animations and so, whilst I'm appreciative of the videos as a viewer, I understand that perhaps it would be naive to expect to produce a video of a similar quality.

(ii) Everything You Didn't Do, Jamie Cullum:

An example of a performance-based music videos, I was really drawn to unique style with which this video has been shot. Filming a music video in what appears to be a continuous take isn't exactly a unique concept- take, for instance, the music video to Dizzee Rascal and Robbie Williams' pop collaboration, Goin' Crazy-  but when it's done well, it can create a sense of intimacy between performer and viewer, as well as just being a novel idea of making a video thats creative. I also liked the stripped back style of the video; ironic, given the complex nature of the video. Although the video doesn't really necessarily reflect the message of the song, in this case thats not really the point: it's a showcase for the artist, his skill as a musician etc. Therefore, in this respect, I feel the video successfully demonstrated the joyous message of the song, as well as the skill of the artist.

 (iii) American Idiot, Green Day:

Another one of favourite video's is Green Day's 'American Idiots' a politically-themed song; the music video is told in a performance-based video that neatly conveys a sense of anger and rebellion. The strong colour palette consisting of greens connotes a sense of anger, and goes against the American flags red flag. Moreover, the idea of rebellion is connoted through the atypical clothing of the band, featuring eyeliner and dyed hair, reinforcing a sense of anti-conformity.

(iv) Former students work:

I enjoyed this video, despite some its technical flaws. For instance, some of the miming wasn't timed correctly, which distracted me from the rest of the video. Moreover, I'm not sure what the message behind the video was, and whether the masks had any metaphorical resonance- if I was to do a music video, I'd like to make the meaning subtle, but not so subtle that the audience don't understand the message of the video.However, in terms of things I liked, the mise-en-scene, the diverse range of shots and the quickness of editing gave the video a lighter tone that complimented the music.

In summation, I've found music video ideas that I've really liked; however, I feel as though some of these ideas would be difficult to execute. For instance, the animation featured in Gotye's video is of a standard that, realistically, I wouldn't be able to accomplish. Moreover, difficulties in being able to mime in time to the music would give my video an amateurish quality I'd want to avoid. Therefore, whilst I'm still considering doing a music video, I'm apprehensive as to whether I would be able to create a high quality music video.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Production Brief (1/3): Advertisements

One of the briefs that students can select involves making advertisements; these can either be for a product or a service. Initially, the idea of creating an advert didn't appeal to me, given that it's difficult to subvert the rigid conventions featured within advertising and, given that one of my personal targets is to avoid cliche, I felt that advertising would be unsuitable for myself. Moreover, adverts are short, meaning that I wouldn't be able to convey the full extent of my abilities as a film-maker within a thirty-second advertisement. Therefore, I chose to explore and analyse both an existing media product as well as the finished product of past A2 students.  

The purpose of this was for the following:-

Existing Media Product:-  Professional advertisements will allow me to explore the codes and conventions of advertisements, the prominent themes, as well as helping me to gauge how advertisements engage the consumer.

AS Advertisements:- Would give me a realistic idea of what is achievable, and how they've applied the codes and conventions of advertising to their own work.

(i) Existing Media Product: Parallel Lives (McDonalds Advert), Directed by Leo Burnett

This advert is clever in the way in which it taps into the idea that McDonalds is a place that everyone can enjoy. I thought the jump cuts to-and-fro from the younger group to the elderly man suitably juxtapose the differing nature of their lifestyles. However, in terms of mise-en-scene, the advert concludes with the young man looking directly at the elderly man,  symbolically connoting the idea of equality and unity. Moreover, I felt that the advert's cinematography was excellent, avoiding the idea of 'junk food' that ultimately the advert is promoting, giving the McDonalds brand an air of class. Despite the stereotypical representation of the two age demographics, the advertisement doesn't over-sentimentalise, and conveys a clear message that sells the product well.

A2 Coursework: 'Inspire' (Perfume Advert)

I enjoyed this advert; I thought the cinematography and soft focus was well executed. Additionally, it's evident that the student has selected appropriate music, and the high-key lighting draws the attention of the viewer. The themes of being 'free' and having 'fun' made the product appealing, although I thought the repetitive nature of the shots made my attention start to wane in the latter half of the advert. Moreover, I thought the student could have selected a more original product, given the very cliched,stereotypical nature of the advert.

Although I was initially interested in the idea of advertisements, I have since been put off the idea. It's too easy to fall back on the conventions and codes of existing media products, and so I feel this would limit my creativity. As well as this, adverts are short- I want to be able to convey my creative scope, and so the more lengthy music video/short film briefs would allow me with more of an opportunity to show off my ability as a Media student.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The Production Briefs...

This year, my coursework will centre around one of the following three production briefs:

(i): A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, no longer than 5mins duration, together with:
-a cover for its release as part of a digipack (CD/DVD Package);
-a magazine advertisement for the digipack (CD/DVD Package).

(i): An advertising package for a new product or service, to include two TV advertisements, together with:
-a TV programme sponsorship sequence:
-a radio advertisement.

(iii): A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately 5mins which may be live action or animation or a combination of both, together with:
-a poster for the film;
-a film magazine review page featuring the film.

Moreover, we were also supplied with the assessment objectives; conforming to said objectives will allow me to maximise my marks and produce work of a high quality:

AO3: Your ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills.
AO2: Your application of knowledge/understanding in evaluating your own work, showing how meaning and responses are created.
AO4: Your ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research. 

Selecting the right production brief for me is of paramount importance, and shouldn't be a decision made on a whim. Therefore, each of my next three posts will identify what each of the production briefs entail, and to gauge which of the three take my interest the most. I want to select a brief that enthuses me and makes me excited to work; as a result of this, I'm going to further explore each of the briefs in order to make a decision that will help me to achieve the best marks possible.

Developing My Skills!

As I move onto the second year of my Media Studies course, I have to acknowledge the ways in which I can improve in order to become a more accomplished and successful learner. Therefore, I thought it would be pertinent to reflect on how I worked in AS, recognising how I worked well and, perhaps more importantly, think about the ways in which I could improve as coursework (inevitably) becomes more advanced. The following are the components that are tantamount, both to the production of my AS and A2 Coursework:

Research and Planning
Using Conventions From Real Media Texts
Digital Technology
Post Production

By recognising the ways in which I did well -and perhaps nots so well- in the above categories, I can improve, becoming more skilled. Hopefully this will allow me to produce a more developed piece of coursework in the coming year:

Research and Planning: 
(i): I was fairly comprehensive in my own personal research on the subject of thriller films, providing detailed analyses of thriller openings, as well as outlining the codes and conventions of several sub-genres in order to develop a wide-spread understanding of the subject matter.

Examples of this include my posts on the "Homeland" title sequence as well as a montage sequence  from "Requiem for a Dream". I found this part of the research process to be really interesting; hence, I felt that my interest in existing media texts permeated into the quality of my posts.

Aspects of research that I was also pleased with in AS was my understanding of film-making: ie. camera, sound, lighting etc. I did a series of posts entitled 'Learning the basics', which ensured that, prior to entering the production stage, I was more confident in my abilities as a film-maker.

Adobe Premiere Pro
Areas of research that I could have improved upon was the survey; in hindsight, I hadn't quite understood the significance of the target audience's opinions and expectations, and with less than 100 responses, our survey lacked any resolute conclusions.

Moreover, I feel it would be important to research the editing process. Given that I hadn't used Premiere Pro previously, I should have learnt the basics of the software before we got to the editing stage. Therefore, I feel my research was geared more towards the creative aspects of film-making, whilst research on the practical nature of filming was equally as important.

(ii): I feel as though one of our key areas of weakness as a group came down to the lack of planning. This lack of sufficient planning acted as a catalyst for weaknesses in our production, and so I acknowledge that planning going into A2 is very, very important.

Issues such as casting and locations were left too late in the planning process; next year, casting characters as well as finding suitable locations should be found early on in the process and should be central to the planning process as a whole. Moreover, our shooting schedule in AS was liable to change on a regular basis, meaning that not everyone within our group could attend. In the future, I plan to draw up a schedule early on in the planning stage, envisaging dates for re-shoots if need be.

Using Conventions from Real Media Texts:

An understanding of the political thriller sub-genre we were aiming for was of paramount importance in order to meet our target demographics needs. The widespread research I undertook, analysing a variety of thriller films, ensured that I could apply such conventions to our own thriller opening. I found that my research into existing Media texts to be very helpful to become more knowledgeable in the field of thriller films. Therefore, I feel an even more comprehensive understanding of the Media text I'm creating in A2 (whether that be a short film or a music video) would help me to create a better product.
'Falling Down'

The depth of research that we had done was reflected within our work. An understanding of our sub-genre had been built up through analyses of existing texts, such as "Falling Down", "Enemy of the State" etc. Applying these conventions, such as intense close-ups, tracking shots as well as the idea of an ordinary person turned bad helped us to construct a text that was inherently thriller.

However, I feel that, in order to make an interesting and successful product, there should be a balance in terms of applying existing conventions as well as adding your own spin to the genre. Therefore, in my work next year I feel it's important to make something that avoids cliche and finds its own original voice.

Digital Technology:
I found that in my AS work I would allow other members of my group to use the technology, such as operating the camera, as well as editing. Everyone started the year with no experience, yes, but we naturally found our roles within the group, and whilst some of us gravitated towards the technical jobs, I found that I worked best in a more creative role. One of my regrets in the shooting process was that I didn't use the camera enough; as I work on my own in A2, I now have to become more well-rounded: a director, a cameraman, an editor etc.

Despite this, I did aim to develop more experience as an individual, as seen in the short film I produced for a short film competition:

I enjoyed this practice, and I'd like to do more of this work for fun in order to become more comfortable with using a camera, as well as feeling more able to use editing and post-production software.

Post Production:
As I've said, I took more of a backseat role in my AS coursework. It wasn't being lazy, it's just other members in my group were noticeably more comfortable with editing and, therefore, because they were the ones in control of the computer, it was inevitable that there creative decisions were the ones that permeated into the final product itself. Despite this, I did contribute ideas- I did have a sound knowledge of editing as well as adding effects, and so I feel going into A2 it's simply a case of being more pro-active and forward-thinking in applying ideas to the actual finished product.

I feel as though this was where my role lied within the group; adding ideas, envisioning the style of the piece and the way in which our finished product would ultimately look like. I was pleased with the way that my ideas within the group would spark ideas and creative enthusiasm amongst the other members of our group; moreover, I feel I could apply my ideas and transition them onto paper during the storyboarding process. Ultimately, of all the five factors listed above, creativity was my strongest feature during the first year of my media studies course.

As I move into AS, there is a certain element of creative freedom as there aren't other people to contend my ideas with. This is both a curse and a blessing. It's good in the sense that, as someone who admittedly works best on their own, I don't have to push or indeed sell my ideas across to others; however, this could be perceived to be a negative in the sense that, whereas others could be a positive in keeping my wild ideas on track, now I have to be entirely responsible for my finished product and the ideas that will (ultimately) culminate in the production of my media product. Therefore, moving into AS, I need to have a more cynical approach to  my ideas and be more questioning of my thinking.

In summation, I felt that I worked well during my year in AS- however, I acknowledge that there were many areas in which I could have improved. As I progress into my second year in Media Studies, I plan  to be a more creative, insightful learner and to be more forward-thinking and enthused in the production brief that I will select. I want to be more well-rounded in my ability: to become more practical-minded, as well as maintaining my enthusiasm for the creative aspects of the production. Overall, these developments in such skills will allow me to improve in my ability and to be more confident in my work as I enter my second year of Media Studies...