Wednesday 17 July 2013

What am I hoping to achieve in my skills development?

In the past few weeks, I've been planning and considering ideas in order to develop my skills and become a more well-rounded learner. In my exam, I'm tested upon the five key skills that make up the components that contribute to the production of my task:-

-Digital Technology
- Creativity
-Research and Planning
-Post Production
-Conventions from Real Media Texts (Genre)

These skills are of fundamental importance in order to make a quality product based on one of the production briefs. Therefore, I must consider how I'm going to consider how I applied these skills in AS, and how, moving forward into A2, I'm going to self-improve within each of these categories.

Digital Technology:
Using technology in AS was one of my weaker points, and perhaps made me less involved in the editing and post-production process. Now that I'm working on my own, meaning that I have to be self-reliant, I plan to create several posts in the holidays on how to use Adobe Premiere Pro, and to understand the software- from the basics to the more advanced aspects of the technology. Moreover, I'm hoping to use more sophisticated technology in my production, using a more quality camera that can capture the quality of shots I need in order to produce a high-quality production. Therefore, Digital Technology is absolutely key, and a skill that I am determined to develop before the start of term.

I feel as though this was my most accomplished skill in my AS coursework, and I hope to maintain a similar level of quality in my A2 this year. I plan to do this in a number of ways; for instance, by making more brainstorms and mind maps in order to give myself several ideas to work on. Moreover, I hope to challenge myself by being more 'out there' with my ideas, challenging codes and conventions in order to make something unique and quintessentially original. Added to this, I'd like to produce well made storyboards- however, I'd like to explore with ideas and, if an idea came to me during production, I'd like to shoot alternatives, allowing me more creative options in the post-production stage.

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