Monday 8 July 2013

Production Brief (1/3): Advertisements

One of the briefs that students can select involves making advertisements; these can either be for a product or a service. Initially, the idea of creating an advert didn't appeal to me, given that it's difficult to subvert the rigid conventions featured within advertising and, given that one of my personal targets is to avoid cliche, I felt that advertising would be unsuitable for myself. Moreover, adverts are short, meaning that I wouldn't be able to convey the full extent of my abilities as a film-maker within a thirty-second advertisement. Therefore, I chose to explore and analyse both an existing media product as well as the finished product of past A2 students.  

The purpose of this was for the following:-

Existing Media Product:-  Professional advertisements will allow me to explore the codes and conventions of advertisements, the prominent themes, as well as helping me to gauge how advertisements engage the consumer.

AS Advertisements:- Would give me a realistic idea of what is achievable, and how they've applied the codes and conventions of advertising to their own work.

(i) Existing Media Product: Parallel Lives (McDonalds Advert), Directed by Leo Burnett

This advert is clever in the way in which it taps into the idea that McDonalds is a place that everyone can enjoy. I thought the jump cuts to-and-fro from the younger group to the elderly man suitably juxtapose the differing nature of their lifestyles. However, in terms of mise-en-scene, the advert concludes with the young man looking directly at the elderly man,  symbolically connoting the idea of equality and unity. Moreover, I felt that the advert's cinematography was excellent, avoiding the idea of 'junk food' that ultimately the advert is promoting, giving the McDonalds brand an air of class. Despite the stereotypical representation of the two age demographics, the advertisement doesn't over-sentimentalise, and conveys a clear message that sells the product well.

A2 Coursework: 'Inspire' (Perfume Advert)

I enjoyed this advert; I thought the cinematography and soft focus was well executed. Additionally, it's evident that the student has selected appropriate music, and the high-key lighting draws the attention of the viewer. The themes of being 'free' and having 'fun' made the product appealing, although I thought the repetitive nature of the shots made my attention start to wane in the latter half of the advert. Moreover, I thought the student could have selected a more original product, given the very cliched,stereotypical nature of the advert.

Although I was initially interested in the idea of advertisements, I have since been put off the idea. It's too easy to fall back on the conventions and codes of existing media products, and so I feel this would limit my creativity. As well as this, adverts are short- I want to be able to convey my creative scope, and so the more lengthy music video/short film briefs would allow me with more of an opportunity to show off my ability as a Media student.

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