Tuesday 2 July 2013

The Production Briefs...

This year, my coursework will centre around one of the following three production briefs:

(i): A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, no longer than 5mins duration, together with:
-a cover for its release as part of a digipack (CD/DVD Package);
-a magazine advertisement for the digipack (CD/DVD Package).

(i): An advertising package for a new product or service, to include two TV advertisements, together with:
-a TV programme sponsorship sequence:
-a radio advertisement.

(iii): A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately 5mins which may be live action or animation or a combination of both, together with:
-a poster for the film;
-a film magazine review page featuring the film.

Moreover, we were also supplied with the assessment objectives; conforming to said objectives will allow me to maximise my marks and produce work of a high quality:

AO3: Your ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creative skills.
AO2: Your application of knowledge/understanding in evaluating your own work, showing how meaning and responses are created.
AO4: Your ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research. 

Selecting the right production brief for me is of paramount importance, and shouldn't be a decision made on a whim. Therefore, each of my next three posts will identify what each of the production briefs entail, and to gauge which of the three take my interest the most. I want to select a brief that enthuses me and makes me excited to work; as a result of this, I'm going to further explore each of the briefs in order to make a decision that will help me to achieve the best marks possible.

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